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Greetings to all Year 13 students, families and teachers.

The first week of the academic year is now well underway, and we could not be more pleased with how everyone in Year 13 has started.

On Monday the Year 13 crew were asked to attend school with the primary motive to provide all the students who are new to school with a friendly face and a supportive hand if they needed it. This injunction was responded to with alacrity by many in Year 13. We received some extraordinarily positive feedback from many Whanau teachers about the effort and impact the Year 13s had on the new students.

As we said on the day, it’s easy to under-estimate the impact of those positive first experiences, and we wish to acknowledge with gratitude the excellent job you all did.

Course Selection

For some the process of course selection has been a challenging one. We have not yet finalised the timetable and course placements for all 151 of you yet, but are well on the way. Remember if you are in a position where you’re asking for special dispensation to register for a course for which you may not have all the pre-requisites, it is absolutely in your best interests to take the initiative to speak to the Head of Department or Learning Area concerned and put your case face to face.

Students in the Community Opportunities

To chase up on some of the opportunities that Liz was speaking about in today’s Year Level meeting, hop over to her SIC site:

Study Periods

The study period timetable has now been finalised, so those of you who have a study will see the location and the supervisor in your online timetable. Please remember that for the first two weeks of the term you are expected to attend all periods of school without exception.

The Amazing Race

You certainly got off to an excellent start with your passionate participation in The Amazing Race on Tuesday. You may have lost a little bit of dignity and even not a little body hair by the end of it – but we’re certain that what you gained in getting to know each other was full compensation.

Thanks again to the Year 12 members of the Service Committee for planning and running such an excellent event.

Home Study

After this initial phase, we will begin to introduce the option of taking your study period off-site. This opportunity will only apply to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Zero unjustified absences in the prior fortnight
  • A “Fortnightly Grade” score of 3 or better
  • No “lates” on your record for the prior fortnight
  • No recorded discipline issues in the prior fortnight

We will publish a list with this newsletter of all students who meet this criteria every fortnight, and these students will be allowed to sign out of school for the duration of their study period. Study classes will continue to be supervised and available to all students who wish to use this service.

Please note that the Ministry of Education stipulates some very strict criteria for what justifies an absence. Largely these are limited to medical absences with official medical notes, school-based activities, off-site school activities and bereavement. If you are absent for any other reason, we continue to expect your guardian to contact the school, preferably in advance to explain this absence.

House Day

Remember, House Day is a wonderful opportunity for you to develop that esprit de corps that is such a brilliant characteristic of our school and Whanau system. Please let us know if you need help or advice while preparing for your time leading the group. Both you and they will have a wonderful time.

NCEA Handbook.

Attached to this post is a copy of the school’s assessment handbook, which outlines all the practices, rules and regulations that surround the assessment of NCEA in the school. Today you were handed a contract to sign with a number of sections. One of these stipulates that you’ve read and agree to the attached document, so do take the time to read it. It could be a life-saver later in the year.

Until next week!

Chris and Charlotte.